
Ecosystem Elements

Ecosystems are complex adaptive networks of different assets and the relationships between them. Wondering what that means? You’re not alone! This topic breaks down ecosystems into their component parts to help you get a full understanding of them

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We've compiled thousands of hours of research into ecosystems, using hundreds of thousands of data points from dozens of ecosystems across the world, to bring you the best insights this new industry has to offer.

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The Assets of Ecosystems

Ecosystems are made up of different "things", including Organizations, Resource, People, Jobs, Events, and News. These "things" are called Assets, and they are the nodes of every ecosystem. There are both Primary and Secondary Assets, and we break them down here.

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Relationships: The Edges of Ecosystems

If Assets form the nodes of an ecosystem, what forms the edges? Relationships! How different assets relate to eachother form the core network that underlies an ecosystem - we break down the different types of relationships and what we can learn from them

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Attributes of Ecosystems

We know now that Ecosystems are made of Assets and Relationships, and that each of these components have characteristics of their own. But what attributes define ecosystems as a whole? Here, we discuss Ecosystem Attributes such as their Unifying Factors, Size, Interconnectedness, and Stage of Development

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Introduction to Ecosystem-Led Development (Coming Soon)

Ecosystem-Led Development is a paradigm for developing effective solutions to complex, systems-level problems by leveraging the characteristics of ecosystems to create more effective, efficient, and equitable change initiatives.

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